🚀 Redis-Magento drama (is it going away?), Magento 2.4.7 release, Hyvä usage stats

There was a big of drama with Redis the last few weeks regarding updates to its licensing, Magento 2.4.7 was released, and we got some numbers released to us about Hyvä installations.

Let's get to it 😄

🥳 What's new in Magento 2.4.7

I always cover what's new and interesting with new Magento releases, and 2.4.7 was just released last week. If you want to know everything notable in this release (and skip all the boring stuff), check out my newest video which will inform you about anything new in about 8 minutes:


What's New in Magento 2.4.7

In this video, I touch base on all of main the new features and updates that happened in Magento 2.4.7, including updates to the GraphQL layer, Commerce Webhooks functionality, and a new piece of code we can use due to the update to PHP 8.3.

Watch the video →

And if you don't yet already subscribe to my YouTube channel, please consider doing so! 😁

🐳 docker-magento 46.1.1

Relatedly, I also updated docker-magento for full support for Magento Open Source & Adobe Commerce 2.4.7. We had a bit of a snafu with running Xdebug and Blackfire extensions at the same time, but Derick (Xdebug's creator) released a bugfix in a new version of Xdebug, 3.3.2.

We've had 3 releases of docker-magento the last week, with 46.1.1 being the current stable version which resolved any issues with this release.

The docker-magento project has been really active this year and has had tons of great updates.

Here's a little exercise you can do right now. Ask yourself: "How would I feel if I woke up tomorrow, and docker-magento wasn't there?"

Now, that's just an exercise. Don't worry, docker-magento isn't going away 😅 But maintaining an open-source offering like this is extremely difficult. It survives due to M.academy enrollments.

I'd like to thank you so much for being a current University student 🧡. While you're helping yourself advance your career, you're also supporting the docker-magento project.

🚨 What's going on with Redis?

A few weeks back, Redis announced a new dual-source license model. There were a lot of rumblings on social media that "it can no longer be used in Magento" because of the new licensing model:

Though their licensing model changes, there are a few takeaways here:

  • Redis will no longer be considered "open source" software.
  • There will be a new version available called "Redis Community Edition".
  • The change starts with version Redis 7.4.
  • This mainly affect platforms bundling Redis or supplying it as a managed service.

The guts of this means that Redis no longer wants anyone competing with them, either with derivative works of Redis, or by offering Redis as a managed, hosted service.

If you simply use Redis in your project, you can continue doing so -- even with newer versions released under the new license -- as long as you don't "bundle" Redis with it.

Frameworks and packages like Magento are largely unaffected, since they are simply using Redis as a key-value store. Magento requires Redis to be installed to run it, but doesn't "bundle" it, so it abides by this new license. This is fairly clearly spelled out in their Q&A:

The area becomes a bit more gray with services such as Adobe Commerce Cloud... but it sure sounds like it will no longer be possible for Adobe to host new versions of Redis, as the new license prohibits "hosting or embedding Redis as a part of a solution that is sold competitively against Redis Cloud":

So... what do I think of this?

I concur with Ian. Everyone thinking that this is doom & gloom needs to take a chill pill (and we aren't dealing with dinosaurs coming back to life 😅).

Firstly, this change only affects Redis versions 7.4 and higher. This means that Magento (and Adobe Commerce Cloud) can continue to use Redis 7.2, in perpetuity, under the current licensing model.

I know what you're thinking... but we're missing out on updates in newer versions of Redis! But I'd like to ask yourself another question: what exactly is Redis?

It's literally just a key:value store. It's used to store a key and a related value.

Think of it as the simplest database ever:

Ok, well maybe I'm oversimplifying it a little, because Redis does have quite a few more data types and features, including:

  • String
  • List
  • Set
  • Sorted Set
  • Hash
  • Stream
  • Bitmap
  • HyperLogLog
  • Geospatial Index
  • Pub/Sub
  • Transactions
  • Scripting
  • Persistence
  • Replication
  • Clustering
  • Security
  • Keys with TTL

I actually really love Redis -- it's one of my favorite pieces of software due to it's simplicity. But, we need to be really cognizant of what it is at the end of the day, and what we are trying to do.

Besides the fact that Magento can continue using Redis 7.2 for many years to come, if Adobe feels as though they do need to adopt another solution at some point, there are alternatives available such as KeyDB, which are fully open-source and even more performant than Redis.

While it's good to know about what's happening, I really think this whole thing is a "non-issue" and probably doesn't even warrant a future worry.

At the end of the day, this is a problem for Adobe to figure out for their platform-as-a-service, as if you host Magento Open Source on-prem, you can continue using Redis indefinitely (including new versions, which ticks another checkbox in the "win" column for Magento Open Source ✅).

👩‍🎤 Hyvä by the numbers

Hyvä recently released adoption numbers, and they are impressive. It's obviously the theme that everyone wishes was built into Magento, but mad respect to the Hyvä team -- they built what they thought should exist in the world.

Here are a few of the numbers:

  • 2,200 live stores using Hyvä
  • 700+ agencies
  • 800+ compatible extensions
  • 12 team members
  • 3,900+ developers on Slack
  • 14 supported Magento events

The trend is up and to the right:

If you haven't yet adopted Hyvä, I'd recommend to at least look into it to find out what it's all about. You can read the 2023 Hyvä Review to learn more about the numbers.

Are you building out any cool Hyvä implementations? If so, reply back as I'd love to hear about them.


How to resolve “call to a member function get() on null” error

Let's learn about the "call to member function on null" error, which occurs when an object calls a function, and it fails.

Read the article →

A question for you:

What’s one under-appreciated thing about Magento you wish more people knew?

I hope you've enjoyed this issue of Segment! 👍

If you liked it, please share it with your Magento friends.

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